jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Tea time!

It's Thursday 29, 16h47.

I didn't writte this days because I was at home. Such great times! I am going to tell you during my Green te time ;)
I was in France with my family. The first day of my "little break" we went to a Restaurant with my grandma! She was so happy to be with me. We had so much fun and eat a lot. That was my Cheat meal of the week! (big burguer and big ice cream cup -peanut butter and caramel-).
After eating, we went to the beach. There was a surf competition where one of my best friends took part. She finished 3th! A great score knowing that she's studying with me and we don't have sea neer to us!
Then I went back home and see a film with my lovely parents and sister.
The second day, I went with my two boys (they are like my brothers) walk to the mountain and we took our breakfast  in a little cafeteria. People don't understand why I am always with boys. I don't know, all my friends are boys in France. I just prefer to be with them that with other girls. I am a kind of girly boy, I guess! hahah Boys are often more directs if they want to criticize and they aren't "Drama queens". They are funnier, that's all!
I studied a  little that day. We had a test in 2 weeks but I prefer to start studying now and not to be stressed later. So, I learned a little more about Physiotherapy, took a tea and watch a film with my mom.
The third day, I had to go back to Spain. But before leaving, I booked my air ticket to Munich! Yep, I am going to go to Deustchland to see another friend who's in Erasmus there. I am so excited! We are going to have so much fun! 4 days of pure happiness! (5/12 to 9/12)

What about your week?
Kisses -G

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

Not good for me

Today it is not a good day.
I don't know if it is because I'm sick or I'm tired, but I feel sad. I think that I have to tell you something.
This year, 2015, it's not a good year for me.
In the starts of the year, during January, two of my friends got lost. My room mate and me were the last one to see them. Everybody who knew them asked us about information, but we didn't have much. We saw them at the gas station before they leave to go home. That's all. They were fine, happy to come back home! And they didn't arrive. Five days after looking for them, searching everywhere, everybody helping each other, the police found their car, crashed. They weren't alive.
That was the first time that I felt the death so close.
In february, I lost my besfriend. He didn't die, but he felt in love of me. I had a boyfriend at this time, so my bestfriend stop to talking to me, sending messages,... This way, I lost someone so special for me. He knews everything about me. We could speak for hours, talking about everything and nothing at the same time. But since he told me that he though to be in love with me, he erased me of his life. It wasn't even me!
In Mars, my grandfather died. That was the most sadess thing that I ever live. He was a model for me. He was my bestfriend! We could speak and laugh everytime I see him. He always said that I was the bravest person he ever met. Nowadays, it still hurts to speak about it. It hurts  not to hear his voice, not to see his smile, not to smell his parfum. I learned a lot of his way to think about life and people. I really miss him.
And then, I had a boyfriend who was always there to support me, until Summer Break. We live in diferents towns, with 2 hours between us. We really love each other, when we were studying, but he finished the studies in 2015, so he wouldn't be here (in Spain). That means that the distance between us would be about 5 hours in car. He told me that he didn't want this life: distance, not seeing each other, suffering,..
I am always in love with him. I miss him too...

Telling the true about this bad day with a cup of Green Tea,
Kisses -G

martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

Some music

Hey there!

I was studying until now, and I wanted to share something with you. I am writting about Nelson Mandela (it's a homework) and I was listening some music.
Last day, I discovered an account on Youtube. It's called Sensual Musique. I really liked so I downloaded two songs and I'm in love with them. I play them every day: for waking me up, doing my homeworks, cooking, doing exercise...
There's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjE3MLMsTJM
Yesterday, I was just chillin' with my cup of Green Tea, and I putted some music on Spotify. Then I hear this one. Just listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCcglvwitUA
And one of my favorites now, is this one. I falled in love with it. Just listen to it, and tell me what do you think about it.

Hope you enjoy them!
Let's return to my writting...

Kisses -G

First green tea

I thought that it was a I good idea if I open a blog. I love writing and I want to share with other people, but I'm too shy.
So, let's try.

Let me introduce myself.
I am 20, young student of physiotherapy in Spain.
I can speak 5 languages.
I have a lovely cat (I adopt him one year ago).
I love music, films and books (I am always looking for a good book or film! So if you know somes...)
I'm in love with the crossfit, squats, step,...
I rowed, played rugby and still play handball.
I really like cheese and peanut butter.
I hate olives.
I don't like romantic films (they make me feel sick).
I don't have a boyfriend (but I am heartbroken).
I really hate salmon (yep).
I LOVE GREEN TEA (all teas are great but,...)

What about you?
Kisses -G